Come smell with Scentevents® at The Special Event
We look forward to seeing you in our Booth #832

Please join David Merrell, Michael Cerbelli and their creative teams while experiencing the Art of Scenting as Scentevents® demonstrates how Scentematography® can be incorporated into your next event
Walking the Tight Rope between Creativity and Profitability
David Merrell
President AOO Events Wed. Jan. 16, 2008 2:30-4:30pm
Every Producer, Designer, and Owner understands the fine line we walk every day between creativity and profitability. When do you re-invent the wheel and when do you address realistic budgetary expectations? Are you over-designing the project? What are your client’s true expectations? And can you make a profit within their budget? No matter how fabulous the design, if you’re not making money, you won’t be in business for long! Walk away with a whole new take on the war between designers and bean counters.
Michael Cerbelli’s: Hot Event & Entertainment Ideas 2008
Thursday Jan. 17, 2008 10:30-12:00
This fast pace session will leave you energized and motivated come away with a list of companies, products and contact information that will inspire you with new innovative ideas. You won’t want to miss the action when Michael presents his latest Hot Event & Entertainment Ideas in this gripping and entertaining program. |