Famous Amos Took Over Manhattan!

The scents of bite-size cookies with hints of chocolate from Belgium, coconut from the Philippines, and hazelnuts from the Mediterranean, reflecting each of the three new cookie recipes, wafted (via black SUVs, bikes, and people on-foot) through the streets. During the FAMOUS AMOS WONDERS FROM THE WORLD Experience, everywhere in lower Manhattan, south of Worth […]
Scentevents Holiday and Halloween Scent Ideas

Scent Ideas for your Holiday Blast! Event Scenting options include the GOOD: Pumpkin Spice, S’mores, Chocolate, Bonfire and Cinnamon Spice, the BAD: Haunted House, Graveyard, Musty Basement, Burning Wire and even UGLY haunted scents: death & decay, burning flesh, barf or just bad. Scent fans and machines work great indoors or outdoors – simple, […]